Malaria Delirium

Porque o trabalho enobrece o homem, mas vadiar é muito mais divertido!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Freaks of Science: P. Pezzino by ~Velica

Medical file:After many years of research in the ubiquitination area, Prof Pezzino began to develop an agravated paranoia syndrome. He claimed he had been targeted for degradation and has been living a life of fear since then. He is ofter troubled with nightmares where he is chased by a demonic proteasome threating to kill him. Prof Pezzino showers three times per day to “wash away the ubiquitin residues”.
Note:Inside the cells proteins are produced and degraded according needs. When proteins need to be quickly degraded they get ubiquitinated, i.e., a series of ubiquitine groups are added to the target protein, marking it to degradation. [link]
I often look at this mechanism as a small Mafia inside each cell. This is the whole basis of Dr Pezzinos joke. Of course he had to be Italian.

::This deviation is part of the colection FREAKS OF SCIENCE. [link] ::
Mais desenhos do Pedro Veliça, colega da FCUL da Peeps, o mesmo dos Lab Midgets :)